Paving the Way for Nomad City

Paving the Way for Nomad City

Every real estate project in the world starts with the basics. Contrary to expectation, it’s not just about laying the foundations, it’s about the road! The Nomad City site is now accessible as the first phase of road construction has been successfully completed.

The construction of Nomad City is in full swing, and each day brings visible progress. The first priority at the moment is the road to the site where the foundations will be laid. We’ve successfully marked out, excavated, compacted the soil and prepared the subgrade. So we are proud to announce the completion of the first phase of the road!

Another crucial phase that we’ve successfully completed is the essential geotechnical investigations. These soil tests are carried out to assess the stability, cohesion and specific characteristics of the ground, ensuring the selection of appropriate types of insulation, water drainage systems and the correct design of building foundations. Thanks to these studies, our investments are safe, durable and long-lasting.

Stay tuned for the next update from the Nomad City site!
