La Granja Verde
La Granja Verde began with a diagram of a tree. The tree, which pulls water and nutrients from the soil, repays its environment with clean air, shade, fruit, shelter, and protection from erosion—contributions that far exceed the value of the resources it uses. La Granja Verde, a sustainable homestead, similarly aims to give more than it takes. Through the use of renewable energy, water collection and retention, and composting, La Granja Verde allows a single family and small staff to live comfortably off the grid, feed themselves, and produce enough excess food to contribute to the local economy through participation in community markets.
La Granja Verde’s 50 x 90 meter central compound provides privacy between individual dwellings and reduction of noise from farm labor while maintaining easy walkability. Local caoba (mahogany) and coral stone lend a timeless look to the low-profile residences without eclipsing the beauty of the surrounding landscape. The centrally located compound allows for the outward expansion of surrounding fields to the edges of the property as production increases without an intrusion of worked land into the tranquil living spaces.
The property is oriented down La Valle toward the beach of the same name. Coastal winds are channeled by La Valle through the compound, cooling residences and activating a windmill behind the barn. The windmill, along with solar panels on the barn and other roofs, powers water pumps, refrigerated crop storage, household appliances and lights, and offers the opportunity to use electric equipment and vehicles for farm labor, reducing emissions from working and living on the land.
La Granja Verde’s buildings are based around a grid of 20 cm square columns, spaced 40 cm apart. This pattern gives way to various unique layouts that maintain a level of stylistic simplicity and cohesiveness. Internally, the columns dictate wall placement and fenestration. Externally, they create transitions between indoor and outdoor spaces, notably bounding open-air paths around and through residences.
La Granja Verde’s tranquility, sustainability, and charm render it the perfect off-grid escape for an eco-conscious family.