

CARIBBEAN SOLARPUNK 2044 Voxelated Agrotech-Village Development along Caribbean Local Wisdom to Reinstate Self-Sustain Gastrotourism in Samana Valley. FROM SAMANA TO THE FUTURE WORLD Climate change is becoming uncontrollable with the development of technocapitalism which is destroying not only the environment but also humans. Many locations in Samana City will be affected, not just by the lack of energy and clean water, but also by horizontal and vertical social problems. So, what architectural concept can be the antithesis to this problem before dystopia becomes a reality? The Solarpunk concept can be a radical solution to help many communities with limited resources and return the environment to its original state. this concept is also cutting edge to be an inspiration for travelers which is one of the largest economies in Samana. CARIBBEAN MANIFESTO manifesting the old Caribbean culture which has moral and architectural values ​​which will be implemented into a spatial system strategy so that the design results reflect locality image. SOLARPUNK UTOPIA The solarpunk concept is described as a community that has a calculation module to meet basic needs, resilience to environmental, social and economic resistance, as well as utilizing and developing the latest technology for convenience in resources. GASTROTOURISM ON AGROTECH VILLAGE The creation of an area that has the latest agricultural technology developments in Samana thus providing a new tourism realm in the gastrotourism sector which represents Sama's future towards environmentally friendly agriculture and food. MASSING GENERATION Site generation belongs to 6 path which are ;  1) Rewilding, 2) Dwell plotting, 3) Supporting facility, 4) Vehicle mobility, 5) Pedestrian trail, and 6) Green-blue zone. While Plot generation describe into 6 way ;1) Community voxel, 2) Architecture system. 3) 3x3 cut fill, 4) Layouting. 5) Green-blue feature, and 6) Vary voxel. THE FACILITY The facility itself divided into 3 type which are dwelling, farming, and supporting. For the dwelling belongs to Caribbean villa dock, Caribbean guest dock, Locale dock, and The cliffhange hostel. For the farming belongs to Carbo tower, Aquaponic house, Livestock barn, and Workshop warehouse. For the last but not least, the supporting one belongs to the Cuisine hub as the main feature for gastrotourism, Gastronomy tower, Caribbean dome, and Community hub.